How Long Is the Lifespan of a Wall-to-Wall Carpet?

lifespan of a wall-to-wall carpet
Last Updated:
June 5, 2024

How Long Is the Lifespan of a Wall-to-Wall Carpet?

What you will read:

This article will specifically focus on the lifespan of a wall-to-wall carpet and is part of Zarif Carpets‘ collection of articles related to wall-to-wall carpets. Discover more articles related to the subject on our ‘All About Wall-to-wall Carpet‘ page.

If you are not familiar with the topic of wall-to-wall carpets, we recommend checking out our guide ‘Wall-to-wall Carpets: What You Should Know‘ first.

What Affects the Lifespan of a Wall-to-Wall Carpet?

While there is no exact value for the maximum lifespan of a wall-to-wall carpet, but, many factors affect the longevity of a fitted carpet; some are related to the technical specifications of the moquette, while others pertain to where the carpet is used. Technical specifications, such as the carpet’s raw material and structure, as well as location-related factors like traffic and maintenance, are the most important factors influencing the lifespan of a wall-to-wall carpet.

Carpet's Raw Material

Wool carpets typically last longer than synthetic ones like nylon or polyester under the same conditions. However, wool carpets are more prone to bacterial contamination and mildew. Additionally, plastic-based carpets perform better with pets.

Check out our article titled pet-friendly carpet to get more information about which carpet is suitable for pets. Pets often bring dirt with their claws onto the carpet, and they play an important role in the lifespan of a wall-to-wall carpet.

Carpet's Structure

Loop pile and needle-felt wall-to-wall carpets last longer than cut pile carpets. They are specifically designed for high-traffic areas, but they have a rough texture and are not known for their softness.

Another significant factor in a carpet’s structure is density. The higher the density of your carpet, the more likely it is to last for a longer period.


It is very important to keep the carpet clean. In the long run, dust, dirt, and stains can decrease the lifespan of a wall-to-wall carpet. Stains are inevitable but should be cleaned immediately. Check out our guides on coffee stain removal and blood stain removal.

Vacuum your wall-to-wall carpet every week and clean it annually.

Another way to prolong the lifespan of your carpet is to avoid exposing it to sunlight for extended periods. Prolonged sunlight exposure can cause discoloration and dryness in the carpet.

Traffic of the place

Carpets in high-traffic areas, such as offices, are more likely to experience wear and tear more quickly. In homes, areas like stairs or hallways require a more resistant wall-to-wall carpet than other parts of the house, especially if shoes are worn indoors.

How Can We Determine When a Carpet Needs to Be Replaced?

As mentioned, discoloration is one of the symptoms to watch for. For instance, when your carpet begins to lose its original color and appears faded. Other symptoms include an increase in allergy symptoms and a change in the carpet’s odor.

How Many Years Does a Fitted Carpet Last?

Taking all factors into account, there isn’t an exact value, but wall-to-wall carpets typically last more than 5 years. Currently, in our office, we have a needle-felt carpet that is 15 years old. With proper care, a fitted carpet can last even longer than 15 years.

At Zarif Carpets, as the largest wall-to-wall carpet manufacturer in the Middle East, we produce a wide range of high-quality fitted carpets. Our carpets are known for their durability, eco-friendliness, and sustainability. Follow our LinkedIn page to stay updated on our latest news.
