How to Remove a Blood Stain from Carpet?

remove a blood stain
Last Updated:
May 20, 2024

How to Remove a Blood Stain from Carpet?

What you will read:

This article will specifically focus on How to Remove a Blood Stain from Carpet and is part of Zarif Carpets‘ collection of articles related to wall-to-wall carpets. Discover more articles related to the subject on our ‘All About Wall-to-wall Carpet‘ page.

If you are not familiar with the topic of wall-to-wall carpets, we recommend checking out our guide ‘Wall-to-wall Carpets: What You Should Know‘ first.

Why Is Removing a Blood Stain Hard?

Many of us have experienced a nosebleed or a paper cut at least once. If you have ever had a blood stain from such an incident, you have likely noticed how challenging it can be to remove. Blood stains often require more time and effort to remove compared to other types of stains due to the nature of blood. When blood is exposed to air, it begins to clot and adhere to surfaces, making blood stains particularly difficult to remove.

It’s worth noting that the sooner you act, the easier it is to remove a blood stain. Dried blood stains typically take longer to vanish.

Should We Call an Expert?

Calling an expert always is a potential option when it comes to getting a stain out of your carpet. We highly recommend contacting a professional or carpet cleaner if one of the following conditions is true about your carpet: 

  • Your carpet is old or expensive
  • The stain is large
  • The stain has seeped into the carpet padding
  • The stain was not removed by the methods mentioned in this article
  • You are not in the mood to clean

Otherwise, wear gloves (Do not touch the blood with your bare hands) and follow these steps:

How to Remove a Fresh Blood Stain?

There are several methods to remove a fresh blood stain from carpet, including:

Cold Water

First, remove the fresh blood from the carpet by dabbing the stain gently with a dry white rag or kitchen paper. Avoid rubbing or pressing too hard, as this may cause the stain to spread and penetrate further into the carpet fibers.

Second, dab the stain again, this time with a damp cloth. Remember to use cold water, as warm water can cause blood to clot faster. Continue dabbing until the stain fades.

Let the spot air dry.


If cold water did not completely resolve the issue, the next step is to use white vinegar. Vinegar’s high acidity level, combined with its antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, make it an excellent option for removing many types of stains.

Prepare a solution by mixing warm water and vinegar. It’s recommended to use twice as much water as vinegar. After removing the fresh blood by dabbing by a clean rag, apply the solution to the stain using a clean, white cloth, or spray it directly onto the stain and blot the stain repeatedly. Continue dabbing until the stain fades.

Finally, blot the spot dry with a clean, dry rag to absorb any residual solution and allow the spot air dry.

When we say air drying, we mean allowing the stain spot to dry naturally without using any additional heating equipment or exposing it to sunlight.

Dishwashing Liquid

Another option is to use dishwashing liquid. Mix a small amount of dishwashing liquid with cold water, then use a clean white rag or a brush dipped in the solution to gently sponge the stained spot. Continue sponging until the stain fades.

Eventually, Blot the spot dry with a clean, dry rag to absorb any residual solution and allow the spot air dry.

What is the difference between sponging and blotting?
Sponging Involves using a sponge or a clean cloth dampened with a cleaning solution or water to gently dab or wipe the stained area. The purpose of sponging is to apply the cleaning solution evenly over the stain and help loosen the stain from the surface.

Blotting Involves using a clean cloth or paper towel to press down on the stained area, absorbing the liquid or cleaning solution without spreading the stain further. The motion is more of a gentle press rather than a wiping or rubbing motion. Blotting helps lift the stain from the surface without causing damage or spreading it to surrounding areas.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide should be your last option, as it can significantly affect the color of your carpet and cause discoloration. Only use this solution if none of the other options have been successful.

Start with testing hydrogen peroxide in a hidden spot of your carpet to ensure it does not affect the color. Then, dip a cotton swab (cotton bud) or a clean, white rag in hydrogen peroxide and blot the stain until it fades. When applying hydrogen peroxide, you may notice fizzing or bubbling in the affected spot.

Now, blot the spot with a clean, white rag dipped in cold water to remove the remaining solution from the carpet. Finally, blot dry with a clean rag to absorb excess water, and allow the spot to air dry.

How to Remove a Dried Blood Stain?

When it comes to removing a dried blood stain, the process varies. The first step is to brush the stain to remove any solids, and then you can choose one or more of the following methods:

Handwashing Liquid

Mix a small amount of handwashing liquid with cold water, then use a clean white rag or a brush dipped in the solution to gently sponge the stained spot. Continue sponging until the stain fades.

Finally, blot the area until the solution is absorbed. Then, sponge with cold water and blot dry.


If the stain remains after the previous step, mix one tablespoon of ammonia with 1/2 cup of warm water. Then, repeat the same process as we did in the handwashing liquid section.

Backing Soda & Vinegar

Mix 2 cups of warm water, 2 cups of white vinegar, and 4 tablespoons of baking soda. Soak the stain with this solution and wait for 5-10 minutes.

Afterward, blot the spot with a rag dipped in cold water, then blot it dry.

Hydrogen Peroxide

The process of using hydrogen peroxide for a dried stain is exactly the same as for a fresh stain, with the only difference being that you may need to take more time and use more solution in this case.

Final Words

The tips and methods provided in this article were gathered from both our expertise and various online sources. We aimed to create a comprehensive reference on the question of how to remove a blood stain from carpet within this article.

Zarif Carpets, the largest wall-to-wall carpet manufacturer in the Middle East, produces all kinds of high-quality fitted carpets with an annual capacity of 50,000,000 square meters. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any inquiries. For further information, visit our LinkedIn page.
